Short Film Research (Monday)
The short film "Monday" by Parable is a visually striking and emotionally powerful work that explores the theme of loss and grief. The film is an award winning film. It is known as "inspiring and funny". One of the key elements that contributes to the film's impact is the use of common sound, common mis-en-scene, and common editing techniques. In terms of sound, the film uses a number of common techniques to create a cohesive and immersive experience. For example, the film uses diegetic sound, which is sound that originates from within the film's world, to create a sense of realism and immersion. This includes the use of dialogue and ambient sounds, such as the sound of footsteps or traffic. The film also uses non-diegetic sound, which is sound that does not originate from within the film's world, to create a sense of mood and atmosphere. This includes the use of music and sound effects, such as the sound of a clock ticking or the sound of a phone r...