Change of plans stepping into production

 My colleagues and I discussed the days we would shoot our final video today. We have to plan our filming days around Nicole, DJ, and Jordyn's work schedules because they all have jobs. We're all highly committed to this project, so if it becomes necessary, we'll all take the day off work and meet up to shoot. They had their work calendars out during class, and Nicole had the standard calendar open so we could view the entire month. On other Saturdays, DJ has a band tournament, while Nicole has a concert to attend, causing a clash in our plans. We are a good team that works well together, thus we will be able to solve this problem. The 13th and 19th of March were chosen as the dates for filming. If any additional days are required for filming, we have all promised to leave school immediately and go filming. Because we're filming at my home. I needed to double-check with his parents and get back to them. We have a backup plan to shoot at Nicole's house if we are unable to film at my place. My friends and I meticulously arranged our filming schedules for both days. We'd shoot in the morning or midday on the 17th, then in the evening on the 19th, because the sun is out longer owing to Day Light Savings. These filming hours make it easy for us all if we have to work or have other commitments throughout the day. We don't expect this to take up the most of our day, but we're prepared to do so if necessary. We also discussed what we would wear while filming throughout this period. We agreed to just wear standard stuff like shirts and tank tops because this is intended to be a get-away/vacation. This is particularly useful because we reside in Florida and wear this on a regular basis. Finding clothes to wear at home or even at the mall will not be difficult. This is the greatest time to film something like this since it's almost summer, so it's not too hot outside, and we won't be freezing while prodcution.


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