Ending the filming

 Over the break our group met back up at my house to finish filming the movie. Thankfully the weather was good this time around and we had a good opportunity to finish the movie. I don't know why but having people over at my house to do this felt a little strange, but we had to power through. We started with our opening scenes at the house which was just us welcoming ourselves to our vacation. We started with over the shoulder and high shots to show our interest in being in the house. One aspect of my house that I didn't think about is all my dogs. They are certainly crazy and especially for new people they've never met, like my group. So I realized that to make filming peaceful id have to introduce them to my group. Surprisingly it went well and my dogs accepted them into the house. We then proceeded to film the rest of our movie in time of the weather. It felt really great to get it over with because now what we mainly have to focus on is these blogs, and finalizing the editing on the movie. I think that our filming session went great and we mainly had our scenes look like what we'd thought. One thing ill say about the movie is that our movie kind seems like it would end off in our end. But we later need to clarify that our movie is a continuation on the happenings of our beginning of the movie.


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