Back to filming

 Today we finalized our production. Alejandro, Demaine and I went out to finalize the scenes we needed. Which was to first show off different styles/colors of the watch bands. And lastly to shoot the final shot showing off the watch in its glory.

To shoot the first shot we initially had the though of shooting multiple different scenes of our groupmate Demaine walking, and as he took each step the color of the band would switch (which we would've touched up on during editing). We had many takes on this but it wouldn't look right. There would always be a problem, one time the lighting didn't line up in the different takes and it looked strange, this other time our cameraman Alejandro wouldn't hold the camera in the same angle and that completely ruined the shot. So we ended up scratching it and filmed it a different way. We kept thinking on what we would do, we wanted to keep the same idea with interchanging bands. So we came up with the new idea of having the watch in one set place changing band color. We first marked a spot where the band will indefinitely be placed. We had to shoot 6 different scenes because we had 6 different bands. We made sure everything was well placed and moved on to the next and final scene.

For our last scene we'd knew from the start what it would be and look like. We had the thought of having all the different bands surrounding the apple watch in a pretty scenery. First we'd have to find a area on the campus that looked appealing. We found an are a with plants and flowers and we knew that was the spot we'd film at. The scene itself didn't take much effort to film. It took us one take to shoot our final film. Overall it was a very fun experience to film this commercial and were excited to see how the commercial will end up looking like.


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